"The more you read, the more you know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
Frequently asked Questions
what is bkp?
BKP is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, based in Massachusetts, whose mission is to encourage a reading culture among poverty-stricken children in the Philippines. Our goal is to help these children acquire good reading skills and a proficiency in English as a means to empower them to improve their lives and brighten their futures.
We establish libraries in daycare centers, schools, and community centers in impoverished communities throughout the Philippines to make books accessible to children. These collections are refreshed and expanded with regular additions. It takes more than access to books to inspire children to become habitual readers, however, so we train teachers and other community volunteers in read-aloud strategies and reading methodologies.
how can i donate books?
Clean out your own bookshelves, collect books from neighbors, contact your local public libraries and school media centers, check out used book sales, or host a book drive to gather books.
Drop off books during scheduled book-packing sessions held in Danvers, MA, or at our book drop-off site in Peabody. If this is inconvenient, please contact our Book Donor Liaison, Liz Freeman (lindentree85@comcast.net), to make other arrangements.
Are currently being held in Danvers on the 2nd
Saturday of most months. Check our home page
or email bkp@bkpinc.org for details.
J-Mart Asian Food Store
139 Lynnfield Street. Suite 101
Peabody, MA 01960
If you are interested in offering your business as a book drop-off site, please contact us.
What kind of books does BKP accept?
We accept new and gently used children's books from preschool, elementary, and middle school levels, including:
Board books for the youngest learners, such as alphabet, counting, and books about shapes and colors. Please make sure they are in good condition with secure bindings.
Picture books and story books for beginner readers, such as Dr. Seuss, Mercer Mayer's, Arthur, Curious George, Henry and Mudge, and Disney books.
Short chapter books for established readers, such as Cam Jansen, Bailey School Kids, Horrible Harry, Amber Brown, and the Secrets of Droon series.
Dictionaries and complete encyclopedia sets published within the last 10 years.
Highlights Magazines that have not been written in.
How do you know the books are being used?
We work hard to ensure that BKP libraries are only established if there is a good support system in place. As part of the application process, we ask for letters from the principal, the librarian-teacher, and the barangay captain to confirm that the entire community is involved and supportive. We provide teacher training in First Steps to Engaged Reading (FSER), developed by Rotary International, and Thinking While Reading (TWR) methodologies to give teachers the tools they need to shape interested readers and active participants in the education process. Libraries are required to keep in contact with BKP through photos and regular communication, as well as by submitting annual reports.
How can I sponsor a Library
If you’ve always dreamed of being able to “give back” to your hometown or just "pay it forward" to those in need, here’s your chance. Volunteer your time and you can sponsor a library in any Filipino community you think will benefit.
If you live in the Boston area:
To sponsor a library, you must be willing to support your library with continued volunteer time and financial donations. Then, discuss your plans with Lea Sison, BKP’s Director of Library Operations (lsisonbkp@yahoo.com) or email bkp@bkpinc.org
In some cases BKP will ship one balikbayan box of books once an email or letter of request has been received from a school or community leader. Documents to request more books are included in the box.
We support libraries in public schools, day care centers and the community. Applicants can request training on reading programs such as FSER (First Steps in Engaged Reading) and TWR ( Thinking While Reading) that can be provided by the volunteers in the Philippines.
The paper work requirements will depend on whether you wish to support a school, day care center or municipal library. We will want signed letters or emails of request, support and a Memorandum of Agreement. If it is in a school, we will want to be sure that the books will be used in a reading program. If it is a community library, we will look for a plan to attract children to use the library, such as read-aloud sessions and a lending program. We will work with you and your contacts to help with these requirements.
If you live in the Philippines and want to apply to receive books for schools, libraries etc. in the Philippines:
BKP supports schools, community libraries, day care centers and other educational programs in the Philippines. We are run entirely by volunteers and funded primarily by small donations. We require that the libraries and schools we support be sponsored by a volunteer who helps us by collecting books, raising money, packing books or in some other way. Volunteers usually sponsor libraries in their hometowns and visit them when they are in the Philippines and serve as a contact person.
If you have a friend or relative in an area of the United States where we have a chapter, they can be your sponsor. if they live in or near New York City, please contact BKPNY at info@bkpny.org. If they live in or near San Diego, California, please contact leaprus4@yahoo.com. If they are in the Boston area, let us know by emailing bkp@bkpinc.org.
If you do not have any friends or relatives in the any of these areas, but can volunteer in the Philippines, please contact Meah See at meahsee@gmail.com. In this way you could be the sponsor.
If you can not volunteer in the Philippines and do not have any friends or relatives in the United States who can be your sponsor, you can still contact us with your request. We might be able to find a sponsor here for you. If not, in some cases, we might be able to send a one time donation.
What are other ways I can support BKP?
Volunteer with us and help us reach out to more Filipino children and get them to READ!
We need the following volunteers to help us:
Help with fundraising
Help collect and pack books
Help us find organizatons to partner with to further our mission
For more information,about volunteering in the Boston area, please email bkp@bkpinc.org.
To volunteer in the Philippines, please email Meah See at meahsee@gmail.com.